di Polina Chatzi
We are happy to announce three new European Schoolnet Academy courses starting soon.
The Games in Schools course will start on the 27th October. On the course we will be exploring the potential of games-based learning in schools and examine the opportunities but also challenges offered by integrating games into our teaching and learning. The course is presented by Ollie Bray, an award-winning teacher and school leader from Scotland. For more information and to enrol see here: http://www.europeanschoolnetacademy.eu/web/games-in-schools
The How to teach Computing: An Introduction to Concepts, Tools and Resources for Secondary Teachers course will start on 3rd November. This is an introductory course for any secondary teacher who is interested in computing and who would like to explore some of the key ideas, tools and activities that can help students learn more effectively about computing concepts such as algorithms or input and output. We will also be looking at how computing concepts are relevant in other subjects so please also join if you are not a computing teacher. For more information and to enrol see here: http://www.europeanschoolnetacademy.eu/web/how-to-teach-computing
The Competences for 21st Century Schools will start on the 17th November. The course aims to provide you with a thorough introduction to the topic of competence-based education, as well as make you aware of the issues and challenges related to making competence-based education a reality in the classroom. You will receive concrete tips on how to implement project-based learning as well as on how to assess collaborative problem solving. For more information and to enrol see here: http://www.europeanschoolnetacademy.eu/en/web//keyconet
We hope to see you on one of the courses soon. For any questions contact us at academy@eun.org
The European Schoolnet Academy team